When accused of any sort of crime, the first person Connecticut residents may think to call is a criminal defense attorney, which is understandable. While they can help on some level, when accused of tax crimes, a tax attorney with experience handling tax crimes cases...
Tax Crimes
Are fraud and negligence both tax crimes?
Receiving word from the Internal Revenue Service that something does not seem right on one's taxes can be alarming. As tax crimes are an issue in Connecticut and elsewhere, the IRS will take the time to investigate. Here is the thing, though — not everyone...
Connecticut grocer will go to prison for tax crimes
A man in Connecticut was recently sentenced for embezzling money from his business and failing to pay taxes. As a result of his actions, he will be spending some time behind bars. Tax crimes are not treated lightly, as is evidenced in this case.According to a recent...
Tax crimes do not pay
A woman in another state is going to prison after being found guilty of preparing and filing false tax returns. The moral of this story is simply this: tax crimes do not pay. Connecticut residents who find themselves facing or potentially facing criminal charges over...
Tax crimes do not pay
A woman in another state recently pleaded guilty to a form of tax fraud. She has yet to be sentenced, but she may end up facing years behind bars and have to pay a significant fine. The lesson here -- whether one resides in Connecticut or elsewhere, and whether one...
Is jail time ordered in all tax crimes cases?
People sometimes fail to pay their taxes. It happens. Sometimes, it is an honest mistake, and other times it is a deliberate act. Can Connecticut residents accused of tax crimes -- such as failing to pay -- expect jail time?No two tax crimes cases are created equal....
Connecticut tax crimes: Fraud or mistake
Income taxes -- no one really wants to deal with having to file and pay them every year. It is, however, a part of life that, until tax laws are changed, is not going away. So, Connecticut residents fill out their forms and get things submitted -- usually on time. The...
Connecticut tax crimes: Failing to pay
Failing to pay state and federal taxes is a crime. This is simply something expected of Connecticut residents. Tax crimes, like the failure to pay, can have significant consequences. What are they?Some people simply choose not to pay their taxes, others fail to pay...
Businesses must pay sales tax correctly
Most Connecticut residents pay all of the taxes that they owe in a timely manner. However, some evade taxes by finding ways to pay less than they are supposed to. Those individuals may be accused of tax crimes and face corresponding penalties.One case involves the...
What the IRS does if you get your tax return wrong
Residents of Connecticut may make genuine errors in the process of filing their income tax returns, including mathematical mistakes and delays. However, it is important to address those mistakes expediently, so that the Internal Revenue Service does not view them as...