Receiving notice that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to audit your finances could make you feel frightened and panicked. Even if you have always done your best to meet all of your tax obligations, it is common to worry that you may have made a mistake. ...
Firm News
Not filing tax returns will catch up with you at some point
Like other Connecticut residents who haven't file tax returns for several years, you may have had one bad year where you failed to file, but thereafter, it became a downward spiral. Granted, if you are due a refund, you are not obligated to file a return. However, you...
Reviewing your estate plan in light of the TCJA
Creating an estate plan often requires a great deal of consideration, research and thought. Like other Connecticut residents, you will need to figure out how to divide your assets, choose the individuals you want to administer your estate and/or trust, and consider...
There is another tax relief method for spouses
If your spouse or former spouse owed money to the IRS, you may have attempted to obtain innocent spouse relief in order to avoid the IRS seizing your portion of a refund or to keep from being liable for your spouse's taxes, but it didn't work. You may have then taken...
When does tax avoidance cross over into tax evasion?
Like just about everyone else across the country, including here in Connecticut, you don't want to pay even one dollar more than you have to at tax time. The U.S. Tax Code allows taxpayers to work toward that goal through the use of numerous credits and deductions...
Are you risking an IRS audit as you fill out your tax return?
The deadline for filing your 2019 federal income tax return will be here before you know it. Even though you may know the IRS is not auditing as many people as it used to, you still fear getting a notice in the mail that the agency wants to take a closer look at your...
Don’t overlook the tax issues in your divorce
If you are preparing to divorce, you may be dealing with many confusing changes. It is possible that your entire routine will be different because of custody schedules. Your living arrangement will potentially change dramatically, and you may be figuring out how to...
Don’t expect an IRS agent at your door if you’re being audited
Like most Connecticut residents, you probably never expect the IRS to audit you. You file your taxes on time, try to follow the rules and arrange to pay what you owe, if anything. More than likely, you will go your whole life without facing a tax audit, but then...
Are you sure it’s the IRS on the other end of the line?
As the end of the year approaches, many Connecticut residents are considering what their tax situation will look like when it comes time to file their federal income tax returns. As such, it may be a good time to review how the IRS contacts individuals who have tax...
Tax considerations when it comes to your cryptocurrency
When the IRS realized that cryptocurrency was here to stay and provided significant income for those with it, it issued a notice making it taxable property for income tax purposes. That was in 2014 before this virtual currency, which includes cryptocurrency, truly...