When it comes to collecting taxes, the Internal Revenue Services just wants to get paid. This department is somewhat understanding that people may struggle to pay their taxes, but they will not let people get by without paying them forever. Connecticut residents who...
Back Taxes or Tax Debt
Don’t let tax debt destroy your business
A former NFL star is learning the hard way that staying on top of paying taxes matters. Two of Kamerion Wimbley's restaurants in another state have been seized by the Department of Revenue for failure to pay taxes. He is not the only one facing the loss of his...
Back taxes are tax debt
Numerous individuals in Connecticut and elsewhere have tax debt. It happens. Sometimes, paying the IRS is difficult when one is struggling financially. People pay what they can, but if they do not pay in full, they are said to owe back taxes. It is tax debt that the...
Working with IRS to pay off tax debt
Connecticut residents who are one or more years behind on paying their taxes may find themselves in quite the bind. With Uncle Sam calling and wanting money now, but not enough money in the bank, figuring out how to handle the situation can be challenging. Thankfully,...
Options for minimizing the pain of back taxes
If you are like many in Connecticut and across the country, you dread tax season. While it is still several weeks before the end of the year, you may already fear you will owe money to the IRS. In fact, you may still be dealing with letters and warnings from the...
Signs you are in trouble with the IRS
There are unmistakable signs that you have been targeted by the IRS:You let a deadline slip by. Deadlines are important. Ignore them, and you can expect to be acted against, and with a vengeance. If you are confused about a deadline, that is a good reason to contact a...
Connecticut officials say threat of tax collection scams is real
Representatives with the Connecticut State Attorney's Office, Revenue Services and Consumer Protection Departments, as well as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) all issued a joint statement on Monday, July 10, 2017. They are, once again, warning Connecticut residents...
What happens if you don’t file your taxes?
Citizens of Danbury, Connecticut (Fairfield County), usually tend to pay their taxes when they are due. However, if they pay late or insufficiently, they may be faced with tax collection issues.Are tax collection issues worse when the April 15 deadline is...
An offer in compromise may spare you from IRS collection tactics
If you can’t pay your past taxes, don’t wait for the IRS to assign a third party to the task of private debt collection. Such third parties may utilize aggressive techniques that border on harassment. Taxpayer Strategies for Avoiding Private Debt Collection...
Could you be personally liable for unpaid withholding taxes?
Seinfeld fans may remember a reference to a character on the show named Al Yeganeh, nickmaned the “Soup Nazi.” The reference actually has a counterpart in real life: A business in Staten Island called Soupman, Inc. licenses the name and recipes of that Seinfeld...