Penalties For Failing To Pay Taxes On Cigarettes

Connecticut imposes a fairly hefty tax on the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products in the state. Other tobacco manufacturing or distribution states, mostly in the South, impose little or no tax on cigarettes or other tobacco products and, in fact, advertise to Connecticut residents the sale of cigarettes in newspapers, magazines and on the web, and then ship the product via U.S. mail or Federal Express to Connecticut residents, even though it is against the law.

At the Baker Law Firm, P.C., we have represented clients in matters related to taxes on goods and services since 1976. Our attorneys work diligently to help clients avoid severe interest and penalties for unpaid taxes. If you have legal concerns, having an attorney help you sort through everything and take action can protect your interests and help establish much needed peace of mind. Contact the Baker Law Firm, P.C. by calling our Danbury, Connecticut, law offices at today.

Connecticut Tobacco Products Tax

Connecticut imposes a tax on all untaxed tobacco products held in Connecticut by any person. That tax is 50 percent of the wholesale price of such products. Since normally most purchasers do not file tax returns reporting such purchases, there is no statute of limitations, so the Department of Revenue Services can, and does, go back many years.

The amount of the tax, penalties and interest can be staggering. It is also interesting to note that the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services regularly secures detailed information about Connecticut purchasers by Connecticut residents from out-of-state distributors of untaxed cigarettes. Violation of the cigarette and tobacco products tax statutes also provides for fines and imprisonment.

Our Danbury cigarette tax lawyer is knowledgeable about the tobacco products tax law and potential penalties for violation, and he is competent to represent those contacted by the tax department. We can help you negotiate a fair resolution.

If you are being pressured for payment by the taxing authorities, contacting an attorney is critical. To speak with a lawyer at the Baker Law Firm, P.C., please call us at 203-648-4737 or complete our online contact form.