Criminal Tax Fraud And The IRS
Many people believe that they cannot go to jail for tax matters. This is incorrect. If you are convicted for filing a false income tax return, failing to file or otherwise committing tax fraud, you are subject to criminal penalties, including incarceration.
The Internal Revenue Service has an incredible record of success in criminal matters. In fact, the vast majority of indictments bring convictions for matters such as tax fraud and tax evasion. By involving an attorney as early as possible, you may be able to avoid an initial indictment. Contact the Baker Law Firm, P.C., by calling our Danbury, Connecticut, law firm at 203-648-4737.
Our law firm has been providing experienced, skillful tax audit representation to clients since 1976, and senior partner Fred L. Baker was engaged by the IRS as a trial tax attorney in New York, and holds a master’s degree in taxation. Using our experience, we focus on helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your particular circumstances.
If You Have Been Visited By An IRS Special Agent
If you have been visited by a special agent of the Internal Revenue Service, you could be in danger of facing criminal charges related to tax fraud or tax evasion. Although agents may at first appear friendly and amenable, talking directly to them could lead to serious trouble. It is best not to speak with the IRS Agent, but instead to contact an attorney as quickly as possible regarding an IRS criminal investigation. Do not accept less than experienced representation by a law firm with an established tax law practice.
At the Baker Law Firm, P.C., we often recommend that clients contact us as soon as they believe there is the possibility of an investigation. By acting early, we can best protect their interests. We often encourage them not to talk with the IRS unless a lawyer is present. This is your legal right.
Contact Us
To speak with a lawyer at the Baker Law Firm, P.C., please call us at 203-648-4737 or complete our online contact form to schedule a confidential consultation about tax fraud and related issues.