If you are behind on paying your taxes, as many Connecticut residents are, and you have not taken any steps to work with the Internal Revenue Service to rectify the situation, certain actions may be taken against you in an effort to collect the money owed. One such action is wage garnishment, also referred to as a wage levy. Yes, the IRS can have your employer send a portion of your check straight to it, and no court order is required for this to happen.
The IRS cannot take your entire paycheck unless you have other sources of income. A portion of your income will be left to you to live on, but you may find it not enough. How much is taken each pay period depends on a number of factors, including your tax filing status, number of dependents and any court-ordered child support you may owe.
A wage levy is not specific to your standard rate of pay. If you earn bonuses, commissions or any other sort of compensation throughout the year, those can be garnished as well. In other words, any money you make is up for grabs — so to speak.
The levy will not be released until the debt is paid through garnishment or other arrangements. If you find out that the IRS is going to garnish your wages, you may be able to stop it with the assistance of an experienced tax attorney. Other payment options may still be available to you. If you are a Connecticut resident who would like to learn more about this topic, please take a moment and visit our firm’s website.